Author: Edwina Murphy-Droomer

Don’t want to spend hundreds on fancy creams, lotions, and potions?
Don’t want to rely on nasty pharmaceuticals?
Me either! I would rather eat my medicine! ?
Whether you are working on improving the appearance of your skin or you have a teen that is battling a dreaded ZIT (or 10!) lets start by cleaning up from the inside … out.
What we want to add in:
1. Plenty of fresh filtered water should be the primary drink on offer.
As a guide, you are aiming for around 2L of fresh filtered water each day. This is however just a guide, if you are sweating from plenty of exercise you may need a little more, if you eat lots of fresh vegetables you may need a little less as you will be getting water through your food … but you get a general idea, stay well hydrated.
2. Ensure you are eating an abundance of organic/biodynamic fresh, seasonal, local vegetables.
Sulphur Rich Vegetables – support detoxification and are important for producing collagen which is important for the firmness and elasticity of your skin. It is also a natural antiseptic that fights acne and skin infections and is essential for making the keratin that is required for healthy skin and hair.
Your sulphur rich veggies can be found in the Allium, Brassica, & Mushrooms families. Consume 2-3 cups a day from this group of vegetables.
Deeply Coloured Vegetables – supply an abundance of antioxidants – any vegetable that is deeply coloured when you cut through it, think beetroot and carrot. Consume 2-3 cups per day from this group of vegetables.
Dark Green Leafy Vegetables – high in Vit A which supports the elasticity of your skin (helps maintain youthful skin), high in Vit C which supports healthy skin and immune function, high in Vit K and also high in B Vit which is critical for a healthy nervous system, ++++ plus a whole lot more! – consume 3 cups per day of dark green leafy vegetables each day.
To make life easier for you I have put together a printable Veggie Prescription which gives you an easy to follow breakdown of the different veggie groups.
3. Ensuring an adequate intake of natural healthy fats.
Despite a long campaign to rid fat from our diets, we are fatter and sicker than ever before. It turns out, unsurprisingly, that natural fats are incredibly important to not just our overall health, but also to the health of our skin. You just have to picture your average Mediterranean woman and their glowing skin to know that they are onto a good thing with all that Olive Oil. Ensuring you are getting adequate amounts of natural fats from foods like nuts, avocados, and olives, then you can confidently consume fat from organic animal sources, and in addition to this you could be adding in 4 Tbsp per day of a beautiful oil such as Inca Inchi oil which is high in Omega 3 fatty acids or a good quality cold pressed olive oil or coconut oil.
Now you have an abundant list of beautiful nourishing foods that can be used to crowd out some of the more undesirable foods that may be taking up need space on your plate. To flood your body with healing foods to ensure your skin is glowing it is important to remove all the normal suspects that are often found to cause problems. It doesn’t mean these foods have to disappear from your diet forever but to give yourself a clear picture of what works for your body and what might be causing problems, I suggest giving yourself a minimum of two weeks where the following foods are completely eliminated. Following this time you may wish to slowly reintroduce these foods, one per week, to see if they are indeed a culprit in causing your body to become inflamed.
Make sure you take a ‘before’ picture to remind yourself how far you have come.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! It is my guess that you will be blown away at not just the improvement in your skin but there may just be a few other symptoms that magically start to resolve as well … including the disappearance of a kilo or two should that be on your wish list!
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Eggs
- Soy
- Peanuts
- Sugar
- Nightshades
- and for mum – alcohol, and coffee
There are so many gorgeous natural items you may already have in your kitchen, that can be used to clean and moisturize your skin. As an example, pop a 5 cent piece sized dollop of a raw organic honey on your palm, mix with a little water and use this to wash your face. Honey is wonderfully antibacterial. Raw organic coconut oil is not just nourishing your body on the inside but also outside. Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial and antifungal and is an excellent moisturizer.
Please stay away from anything that isn’t 100% natural.
While we are working on clearing up any blemishes it is perfectly understandable that you might want to wear a little makeup to help you feel a little more confident in presenting your face to the world. Never fear, when your skin is back to its glowing vibrant self, you will need makeup NO MORE!!!
It is important to choose a makeup that supports all the hard work you are doing to encourage your skin to be healthy, so take some time and do your homework. In my house we use INIKA, I am not affiliated with them in any way, just happy to share what I do. I choose INIKA because they are Australian made, mineral-based, and organic.
Much love to the brilliant, bold, and beautiful you xxx